Controversies 1984 - 1994
Nobelpharma's Attempts to Prevent Extrapolation of the Branemark Research™:A Response to Nobelpharma's "Open Letter" to Oral Surgeons and Prosthodontists.
Utilzing Legal Liability Threats to Dissuade Clinicians from Utilizing Non-Branemark Implants™A Response to Zinman EJ: Dentists and the Law, Dental Management 1986;26(9):56-60.
"Scientific Review" Used by Nobelpharma Spokesman, Albrektsson, to Attack Competitors™
A Response to Zinman EJ: Dentists and the Law, Dental Management 1986;26(9):56-60. A Response to Albrektsson T et al.: The long-term efficacy of currently used dental implants: A review and proposed criteria of success. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1986;1(1):11-25.
Debunking of Early HA Coating with Low Crystallinity™:Letter to the Editor, Journal of the American Dental Association, 1987, in Response to a 1986 American Dental Association panel discussion on biomaterials.
Debunking False Assumptions About Osseointegration™:
A response to Weiss CM: Tissue integration of dental endosseous implants: Description and comparative analysis of the fibro-osseous and osseous integration systems. Int J Oral Implant 1986;XII(2).
Debunking False Assumptions About Osseointegration™:
Fabrication of "Research" Findings to Discredit a Competitor of the Branemark System™:
Responses to Kinni ME et al.: Force transfer by osseointegration implant devices, Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1987;2(1):11-14) and Henry PJ: Comparative surface analysis of two osseointegrated implant systems, Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1987;2(1):23-27.
UCLA Comparative Study of Core-Vent vs. Branemark Implants:
Subsequent Niznick declaration in 1996 litigation documents the misuse of criteria and failure to report on consecutively placed implants to bias results of the 1987 study. Excerpts of articles by Albrektsson and Sennerby that misquote UCLA study to promote Branemark System™: Originally presented by Moy P., Buemer J., and Lewis S. Abstract, Second International Congress on Pre-Prosthetic Surgery, Palm Springs, Calif, May 1987.
Debunking False Assumptions About Osseointegration™:
A response to Weiss CM: Tissue integration of dental endosseous implants: Description and comparative analysis of the fibro-osseous and osseous integration systems. Int J Oral Implant 1986;XII(2).
An Open Letter to the Dental Profession on the Controversies in Implantology in 1988A response to Albrektsson T, Jacobsson M: Bone-metal interface in osseointegration. J Prosthet Dent 1987;57(5):597-607.
Nobelpharma's Attempts to Maintain Exclusivity by Changing the Definition of Osseointegration™
An Open Letter to the Dental Profession on the Changing Definitions of Osseointegration in Branemark-Related Literature.
Response to Nobelpharma's Letter on Litigation with Core-Vent Corporation™
An Open Letter to the Dental Profession.
Metallurgical Integrity of the Acid-Etched Surface™:An Open Letter to the Dental Profession on the Swede-Vent and Screw-Vent Surface.
Joint Announcement of Settlement Between Core-Vent Corporation and Nobelpharma AB:
Announcement dated January 15, 1989.
Core-Vent's™ Licensing of the Patented Branemark Surface:
An Open Letter to the Dental Profession on the Changing Definitions of Osseointegration in Branemark-Related Literature.
Core-Vent's™ Licensing of the Patented Branemark Surface:
A Response to Nobelpharma's Second Postsettlement Disclaimer Letter dated February 20, 1989.
Applying False Evaluation Criteria to Discredit a Competitor's Implant™:Response to Malmqvist JP and Sennerby L: Clinical Report on the Success of 47 Consecutively Placed Core-Vent Implants Followed From 3 Months to 4 Years. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1990, Vol. 5, No. 3, Pages 211-212.
Regulation of the Implant Industry and Misinformation from Nobelpharma AB™:
An Open Letter to the Dental Profession, 1990.
Partial Citation and Inaccurate Reporting of Research for Marketing Purposes by Albrektsson and Sennerby™:
A Letter to the Editor in response to Albrektsson T and Sennerby L: Direct bone anchorage and experimental considerations of the concept of osseointegration. Int J Prosthodont 1990; 3(1):30-41. Published in the Int J Prosthodont 1990;3(6):583-584.
A Response to False and Misleading Advertising by Nobel Biocare™:A response to Nobelpharma's 1990 Advertisement in the Journal of the American Dental Association and the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Importation of Nobelpharma Implants is Banned by the FDA Due to Poor Manufacturing Practices™:An open letter to the dental profession and reprint of an FDA Letter to Nobelpharma AB from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, with a preface by Dr. Niznick.
Misleading In Vitro Comparison Studies by Binon™:A Letter to the Editor in response to Binon PP: Evaluation of machining accuracy and consistency of selected implants, standard abutments, and laboratory analogs. Int J Prosthodont 1995;8(2):162-178. Published in the Int J Prosthod 1995;8(6):587-588.
Slanted Speakers Platform is Falsely Hearlded as the "State of Osseointegration in Private Practice™:
Letter to the Editor in response to Proceedings of Osseointegration: 10 Years in Private Practice, 1982 - 1992, held October 9 and 10, 1992, at the Lansdowne Convention Center, Leesburg, VA. Reported in the Internatinal Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 1994, Volume 9, Special Supplement. Published in the Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1995;10(1):1-2.
Scientific" Research Designed to Compensate for the Inferior Strength of Grade 1 CP Ti Branemark Implants™:Letter to the Editor in response to Rangert B, Krogh P, Langer B, Van Roekel N: Bending overload and implant fracture: A retrospective clinical analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1995;10(3):326-334. Published in the Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1996;11(4):431-432.
"Research" Designed Solely to Provide a Reference for Marketing Claims™:Letter to the Editor in response to Paul P. Binon: The Spline implant; Design, engineering, and evaluation. Int J Prosthodont 1996;9(5):419-433.
False and Misleading Clinical Study by DeBruyn and Albrektsson to Promote the Branemark Implant™:Letter to the Editor in response to De Bruyn H, Collaert B, Linden U, Johansson C, Albrektsson T: Clinical outcome of Screw Vent implant. Clin Oral Impl Res 1999;10:139-148.